
Summertime do's, don'ts, and the usual (with a twist)
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  • Seasonal
  • Summer

Summertime do's, don'ts, and the usual (with a twist)

Quarantine is (almost) over, your friend group is finally reunited, and I think I speak for everyone when I say I’m longing for some sun, surf, sand, and san...

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Spotlight: Niacinamide

Spotlight: Niacinamide

What goes around comes around—this is a GREAT thing in the case of niacinamide. I began incorporating this form of Vitamin B3 into various rejuvenating faci...

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The Art of The Eye Cream

The Art of The Eye Cream

CONFESSION…For years, I dismissed all the eye creams I encountered as nothing more than face moisturizers with slightly different marketing. The exception, I...

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The rise of women is not about the fall of men
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  • Trends

The rise of women is not about the fall of men

Finally, true power comes when you feel powerful inside. When you know who you are, and when you know where you're going. To all the women who I met on my pa...

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Dry skin vs. Dehydrated skin
  • Aging
  • Anti-aging
  • Dry skin

Dry skin vs. Dehydrated skin

It might sound like the same thing but these are very different skin conditions. They need to be treated differently and we need different products for dry v...

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